
Cohort Component Method Chile 2017-2022

The following link provides access to an Excel spreadsheet with details of recent work into using the Cohort Component Method to predicted how the Chilean population would have and will continue to increase from 2017 to 2022.

Immigration - Where do they live? - Part 2

This publication follows on from a previous post and looks to build a machine learning classification model to predict if an immigrant that arrived to Santiago de Chile in 2019 lived in the Eastern Sector of the city upon arrival.

Covid 19 - Cases and Exams - Santigo de Chile

Currently there is a lot of conversation about when and how deconfinement can begin in Santiago de Chile. As already mentioned in a previous post on mobility, five communes in the the conurbation of Santiago and two more in the Metropolitan Region began phase two of the deconfinement plan Paso a Paso on the 28th July 2020.

Covid 19 - Mapping Cases - Santiago

After the arrival of Covid 19 to Chile on the 3rd March 2020, the virus has spread throughout the country. Nonetheless the capital - Santiago and the Metropolitan Region in which it resides, have been by far the hardest hit location with 254,354 registered cases in this Region as of the 29th July 2020.

Covid 19 - Mobility Index - Santiago

The first case of Covid 19 in Chile was registered on the 4th March 2020. Since then the virus has had a devastating impact with 349,900 confirmed cases and 9,240 confirmed deaths as of the date of this publication.

Immigration - Where do they live? - Santiago

A few months ago an investigation was carried out by the author of StatCityPro into where immigrants live in Santiago de Chile. Various points of interest were identified regarding the number of immigrants and also where they lived upon arrival to Chile.

Titanic - Random Forest

In the last publication from StatCityPro a decision tree classification model was created with the aim of predicting if a passenger on the Titanic survived or died. Cross validation was used with an accuracy of 80.

Titanic - Who Survived? - Part 2

This publication will follow on from Part one on the Titanic to conduct data analysis for the passengers onboard and to create a classification decision tree model to predict if a passenger survived or died.

Titanic - Who Survived? - Part 1

The Titanic sank on the 15th of April 1912 after hitting an iceberg during its first voyage. Unfortunately there were not sufficient lifeboats on board resulting in the death of 1502 of the 2224 passengers and crew.